Dear HarmonySite administrator,
There are a few new features in your HarmonySite that have been added recently...
- The SONGS database has two new fields: "Voicing" (e.g. SATB, SSAA, Barbershop, etc) and "Tempo" (beats per minute)
- On the Financial Members report, once you've selected some members using the tickboxes in the right-hand column, there is now a pair of new buttons you can use to send an email to those selected members, or send them a text message. This might be useful to remind them of unpaid invoices, etc.
- When nominating the set of members for which you'll be tracking attendance/availability for an event, you now have the ability to select ANY member grouping. This might be useful if you're having an event for one particular subset of members (e.g. a tenor section rehearsal), and you want to track availability and attendance for JUST those members.
- Currently, when viewing an event, song, document, etc on the website, there is a link at the top of the page to email that item to members (or anyone else). If you click that box, you get to select which set of members you want to send the email to (specifically, which member grouping or mailing list), via a drop-down list of options. One notable absence from that list of options was the COMMITTEES/TEAMS in your site. That's been fixed now, so you can now nominate to send any item to any committee/team.
- When viewing the availability/attendance report for an event, there's always been an option to send an email to any subset of people on the report. For example, you click a link to send an email to all people who have said they're coming, or said they're NOT coming, or have not made any response. It's now also possible to TEXT those subsets of members. To do so, open the attendance/availability report for any event, and you'll see new "Text" links for each subset of members.
- There's a new shortcode available: [memberfield]. The use for this is explained on the Shortcodes page of your HarmonySite. Look for the "Shortcodes" link on your Admin Dashboard (on the "Website Content" line).
I hope you find these useful.
Mark Virtue
+61 2 8005 4277
Skype name: mvirtue